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Old 10-16-2017, 11:01 AM   #65
Jim in CT
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Paul -

I used one from ten years ago, and one from two weeks ago. Recently, they also said Trumps chief of staff was about to quit, no truth to that. Again, if you want to deny that the liberal media is out to get Trump, you can say that all day long. Not many people agree with you, just the zealots.

Oh, you don't like the difference between a Hollywood director and POTUS?? OK, let's talk about Bill Clinton. How is he portrayed in the liberal media, compared to Trump? Or Ted Kennedy, for that matter? My side is waging the "war on women", yet Ted Kennedy is the only one with a confirmed kill in that war. And Bill Clinton has some lofty achievements as well. But your side cares about women, and my side is sexist. That makes all kinds of sense.

"SNL ran skits with Harvey"...after first cutting those jokes because "it's a New York thing", and getting all kinds of criticism. Their initial reaction, was to ignore it.

"just 1 person saying that". Matt Damon freely admitted that he called the NYT, at Weinstein's request, to paint the situation in a less disgusting light.

Are you feeling OK? You are willfully ignoring a lot of facts here. I mean, a lot.

"enough to call a woman the c word" no woman, has ever earned that description? Not one? Ever?

"and the president a POS". Again, I can give you as many examples as you want, of his acting just like a POS. I can also say Trump is a morally bankrupt jerk. Because unlike you, I can be honest about those on my side.

"Your side voted for Trump". Sure. And your side voted for Hilary, who is as crummy a person as Trump is. Integrity wasn't on the ballot on 2016. It was a choice between 2 morally bankrupt, truly rotten people. One of them, in my opinion, has superior opinions on the things that matter to me. So while I had to plug my nose in the booth, it was an easy choice. As yours was to you.

"Bu the double standards is exactly what you constantly do here".

Name one example. I criticize Republicans all the time. Can you point to one example, where I gave a Republican a pass, for doing the same thing, for which I criticized a Democrat?
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