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Old 10-28-2017, 04:11 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Since you conveniently avoided answering the question " If you truly believe that "trickle down" doesn't work, then why on earth are you for government trickle down policy?", you should absolutely read this entire article by Thomas Sowell regarding the bogus notion of "Trickle Down theory of economics":

There is no such theory. This fabricated notion of "trickle down" is used in trying to discredit the proven connection between lowering tax rates, including and especially for the wealthy, and the following increase in federal tax revenue. How successful this ruse is in convincing those who don't know the real history, nor how economy and taxation work together, is demonstrated by how you refer to the trickle down theory and confidently state that it doesn't work.

If you're interested in the truth of the matter rather than regurgitating false political talking points, please read the whole article.

Trickle-down economics says that Reagan's lower tax rates should have helped people in all income levels. In fact, the opposite occurred. Income inequality worsened. Between 1979 and 2005, after-tax household income rose 6 percent for the bottom fifth. That sounds great until you see what happened for the top fifth. Their income increased by 80 percent. The top 1 percent saw their income triple. Instead of trickling down, it appears that prosperity trickled up.

is that a talking point ? no those are the facts... funny how your the only one here that posts the Truth .
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