Thread: Last Call?
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Old 10-29-2017, 08:34 AM   #10
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Recounting a day this season.
I was scheduled to install a kitchen that day, but because of the great weather and knowing False Albacore were around I made a quick decision. Hooked up the boat, threw my gear together and headed for the ramp. I hadn't been out solo much and with no one else on board I felt like it would be a good time to test the boats performance, so to be safe, I attached the kill switch to my belt and looked for a life jacket to put on,.... oh crap...they were left back at home. Honestly never happened before.
Wasn't about to turn around so continued on my way.

Got out about a mile off shore and I was in the middle of breaking fish, casted an epoxy jig and hooked up right away. Stayed put and caught quite a few more. Bunch of other boats moved in but the fish were spread out and everyone kept there distance.
Lost track of time but hours later, after landing several fish, breaking my good rod, loosing a handful of jigs, running out food and water, decided to head back in. I had so much fun but was exausted.

Thats when I noticed a boat in the distance making a beeline in my direction. I changed course a little to avoid, but they changed course too....I sped up to get out of their way, but they seemed to follow, why? Took me a moment but I realized it was EPO, so I put the boat in neutral as they moved in and came along side.
Three officers in bulletproof vest with what looked like machine guns. Two started asking questions as the younger one immediatly jumped aboard my boat and was poking into my hatches. He asked to see any fish, I hadn't kept any. He commented on all the blood then asked to see my life jackets. "I forgot them" I said. Fishing License? "Back in my truck" , Boat registration? "in the truck". Trying not to sound like a wise ass I suggested they could look it up on their computer. You got flares? "yep" No good they're expired. Funny that most of the other boats were one by one leaving the area.

I respect law enforcement and think they could have been much harsher with me, I came away with a small fine for no life jackets, I had taken them out of the hatch after last trip to dry, wont happen again. They were polite and professional, and doing their job.
Despite the $60 ticket, as I drove back in, the only feeling I had was " what a great day"!
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