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Old 10-29-2017, 07:41 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Removing a plaque does not change history

History is like the tree that falls in the forest but nobody is there to see it. It takes someone to see it and report it for the history to exist. If the report is edited or "interpreted," the tree's history is changed. If the historical report is removed to some vault that few will visit, the history of the fallen tree disappears until some curious scholar/reporter rediscovers its existence.

all it does is rally the base who prior reading the article which shocking all right wing sites are running ... never knew the plagues the church or who went there even existed... LOL
Yup. All knowledge requires discovery and a record of it. That's how we learn about all things to which we are not personally a witness. Even right wing witnesses discover and report things. Do you have some issue with right wingers reporting what they see?

Are you some kind of psychic that knows, without some report, what has happened outside of your personal perspective? The rest of most of us are not so fortunate. We often appreciate reports of various current histories that we could not otherwise see or know. The reports can, and do, inform us about the current drift or direction that our society is taking. Do you have a problem with that?
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