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Old 10-30-2017, 06:06 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Yup. All knowledge requires discovery and a record of it. That's how we learn about all things to which we are not personally a witness. Even right wing witnesses discover and report things. Do you have some issue with right wingers reporting what they see?

Are you some kind of psychic that knows, without some report, what has happened outside of your personal perspective? The rest of most of us are not so fortunate. We often appreciate reports of various current histories that we could not otherwise see or know. The reports can, and do, inform us about the current drift or direction that our society is taking. Do you have a problem with that?
You think the report is about information your not that naive.. the story was written to inflame and outrage .. thats it

There no plaques of Hitler or swastika Germany, Christopher Columbus is not the hero he once was portrayed yet no one has forgotten the history of theses men .. nor will we forget Washington or general Lee the good and the bad ..but Conservatives like you love these stories that reinforce your Tin foil hat views that some how the whiteness is being erased from our history .. and the Government wants your guns
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