Thread: Bergdahl freed
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Old 11-04-2017, 04:08 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by basswipe View Post
Are you stupid or just have some kind of brain disorder?Did you even read my post?Nothing in my post suggested that he left to "serve" the taliban or fought against this country.

In your own words he's guilty of DESERTION.Under the UCMJ that is punishable by death.The prosecution wanted 14yrs to serve.He WALKED!!!

Btw tell the family of MSGT Mark Allen what you think,he can't speak or walk because he was out looking for a puke who voluntarily DESERTED HIS POST!!!

And you bet your sorry ass I let emotion play a role!I'm a Fvcking vet.
Glad your not a judge We were not at War so the death as punishment would not apply .. so it seems the judge went with sec 3 a felt 5 years as a prisoner of the Taliban fit the max he could impose

Article 85 - Desertion

(3) If the member deserted with the intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service (and example of this would be a member ordered to deploy to Iraq and then deserts to avoid the deployment): Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, reduction to the lowest enlisted grade, and confinement for 5 years.

(4) If the member deserts during time of war: Death or such other punishment (such as life in prison) as a court-martial may direct.

An Associated Press examination of Pentagon figures shows that 174 troops were court-martialed by the Army last year for desertion — a figure that amounts to just 5 percent of the 3,301 soldiers who deserted in fiscal year 2006. The figures are about 1 percent or less for the Navy and the Marines, according to data obtained by the AP under the Freedom of Information Act.
Some deserters are simply allowed to return to their units, while the majority are discharged in non-criminal proceedings on less-than-honorable terms.

I am a Vet and I am not surprised by the verdict as I said seeing they couldn't get him for aiding the enemy .. as for the argument tell the family of MSGT Mark Allen the missions the mission its called combat I had troops get IED escorting Christmas decorations shot at going on missions based on cell phone tip lines in Iraq . I feel for the families who lost any one in combat . combat patrols are dangerous Bergdahls action exposed more troop but he did not make Afghanistan more dangerous ... this argument if felt by leaders and troops that we wont search for missing troops because we think is this another Bergdahl or until we know and feel the missions its worth it .... is just not compatible with how the Military works

a good read about what hasn't been said in the media .. look at what they call the Bergdahl effect

Last edited by wdmso; 11-04-2017 at 07:09 AM..
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