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Old 11-04-2017, 10:49 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Smart enough to see Murder is murder reguardless on the motivation
No. Liberals only get outraged when the killer is a White male. Liberals are happy to ignore the majority of murder and focus on the lighting strikes of mass casualty events. That attention cools and dies as quick as welding slag if the killer is a minority (San Bernardino).

Liberals scream 'RACISM' when ever any note is made that 6.7% of the nation's population comprise 53% of gun homicides.

Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
And smart enough to understand that Conservatives care more about who did the killing when it fits their anti Immigration agenda
And the left's disingenuousness starts right there, in how you define conservative's position as a generalized "anti-immigration agenda". I don't know any conservative that is against legal immigration, outrage about illegal immigrant murderers is multi-layered. Just a few:

Illegal border crossers and visa overstays are law breakers simply by being here -- there is no such thing as a "law-abiding illegal immigrant" (see my sig-line).

We are disgusted that liberals are so eager to ignore the crimes of illegal immigrants -- to the point of declaring certain areas of the USA to be a sanctuary for them. They get released back into society even if there is a detention order on them. Our disgust turns to rage when one of those released criminals kills an American; the blood-guilt for those deaths lays at your feet.

Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
your up to speed on 2a issues and arguments I suggest you broaden your reading .. its easy being a 1 trick pony
LOL. The reason I focus on gun rights is precisely because liberals think the 2nd Amendment is a single issue discussion. They think they are just talking about "guns" but so much more is exposed.

The 2nd Amendment and gun rights is a benchmark for one's understanding and respect for the fundamental principles of the Constitution. Liberals are willing (if not eager) to rationalize carving-out this right from the "rational continuum" of liberty for special treatment, ignoring inviolate rules and principles to achieve what they deem to be, much more important social policy objectives (i.e., "public safety").

In other words, how a person considers the 2nd Amendment is a short but reliable test to expose a wide breadth of deficiencies in understanding of the Constitution and its application (the legitimate extent of government).

I recognize that some "conservatives" have their own litmus test . . . (i.e., abortion and LGBTQ rights) that expose their deficiencies in understanding and applying the Constitution.

As far as I'm concerned -- being an Originalist / Strict Constructionist -- in their beliefs on the extent of government's powers over citizens, dogma governed social/cultural conservatives and Constitution-ignoring leftists have more in common than social/cultural conservatives and Constitutional Originalist conservatives.

Each see government having a role in "regulating" (if not outlawing) what they consider, their fellow citizen's unacceptable behavior. That many dogma governed social/cultural conservatives cloak themselves in the claim that they are Originalists or Strict Constructionists disgusts me as much as the misrepresentations of living constitution leftists.


You can’t truly call yourself “peaceful” unless you are capable of great violence.
If you are incapable of violence, you are not peaceful, you are just harmless.
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