Thread: DNC corruption
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Old 11-06-2017, 07:22 AM   #21
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
the question is did they break the law? Did hillary get more vote than the Bern in the primaries .. thats really the only thing that matters

this is a concern is for Dems not republicans.. but the right has turned the issue into a distraction piece .. not sure how it effects them?
I don't see a crime. That doesn't mean there wasn't an ethical violation.

There's no shortage of scumbags in the GOP. Nor is there any shortage of scumbaggery among Bill and Hilary. He's a serial predator of women, and Hilary slut shamed his victims on national TV. These are deeply immoral people. I still think he was a decent president (I voted for him once), but a really unethical pair. You can be a good president and a rotten person.

Of course it's an issue for the democrats. However, the republicans would be idiots if they didn't use this for their advantage.

IF the GOP passes tax reform, and IF that reform puts more money in the pockets of a lot of lower-middle class Americans (two big if's at this point, but doubling the standard deduction should help the people who rely on the standard deduction), November 2018 could be a bloodbath. I could not have handpicked the 33 Senators up for election, in a way that's lining up better for the GOP. Many more democrats are up for election than republicans, and many democrats that are up, are from states that Trump won big. It could not be a more challenging situation for the democrats. The GOP Congress is almost useless, but even they are smart enough to see that they need to do SOMETHING popular before the midterms. Cutting taxes, and helping the stock market (by slashing the corporate tax rate) could be very problematic for the democrats. Or it could blow up in the face of the GOP. We'll see.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 11-06-2017 at 07:28 AM..
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