Thread: crickets...
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Old 11-07-2017, 05:08 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Slipknot View Post
A good guy with a gun stopped a madman with a gun.

Horrible atrocity that could have been worse. I say good for the good guy with the AR-15 for shooting back and killing the guy. In case you don't know if you were spoon fed the narrative the news is trying to give us that it was suicide because more firearms were in his car, the guy bled out from his wounds while the 2 good guys waited for police.

When you take on the responsibility of gun ownership, you are obsessive about locks Bob, no need for a reminder to check locks, I suggest arm yourself. The more people that are armed, the better. This isn't the first mass shooting and won't be the last sadly, it is just the latest. And a horrible one at that.

didn't take long

they have all ready found a silver lining 1 guy shot back and saved the day ... sadly 26 people were all ready killed but the'll run with it anyway saying it could have been worse.. Really !!
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