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Old 11-17-2017, 09:22 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
The other terrible issue, as mentioned by Jim, is we have to be watchful for people using the smear for political gain and creating false and misleading accusations to flip politically. Always has been an issue but now reinforced / accelerated by social media??

- People in power wielding their power over others - at times more sinister than others - but almost always at the significant expense of the other

Huh - you are going awfully light on Franken.

It was there in some not in others - both parties did a good job of putting the sludge of the septic forward

Huh - you are defending Franken??

Yes, one is disqualifying and the other should have had jail time. Neither is acceptable.
"The other terrible issue, as mentioned by Jim, is we have to be watchful for people using the smear for political gain and creating false and misleading accusations to flip politically. "

Correct. How do you defend yourself, against accusations made decades earlier?

Also, the Duke lacrosse case is a reminder of why we are all innocent until proven guilty. This is a tough issue.
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