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Old 11-20-2017, 11:44 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Slipknot View Post
drain the swamp
term limits

this tax plan crap is just creative financing that makes us all poorer but rich get richer , sounds like dirty politics. There must be some good points to this tax plan no? or are you just focusing on the negatives

I'd like to choose not to pay taxes also.
My take on it is the main thrust is to get the "economy" booming. One of the reasons the "middle class" is disappearing is because the economy is not vibrant enough to expand and provide the capital to create the jobs needed to support a healthy "middle class." If that doesn't happen, then not only will various tax breaks expire, so will the Republican hold on their majorities. And the Dems will then reinstitute their economically sluggish tax policies. But they will accompany that with enough giveaways and "supports" for "families" and for the shrinking "middle class" (which will all, obviously, be the fault of the Republicans).

And the debt spiral will continue to grow. But that's OK. At least everyone will be paying their "fair share."
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