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Old 11-24-2017, 06:02 AM   #2
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Yes...Besides the thousands of dollars of tools stolen....I lost income as well. It was a huge task to remember and list everything that was taken, then go purchase all new tools. I liked my old set of tools much better by the way, better made and broken in, worn smooth by my hand.
It's too bad that our justice system treats stealing like a petty crime. The rewards of stealing are great...the punishment.. not so much. Besides that law enforcement can't bother to investigate.
No wonder it is so rampant. I'm not one to take justice into my own hands.......not yet......almost there.

Years back, most of our houses were plumbed with copper pipe.
Went down to the basement one morning and noticed something amiss. Yep.....all installed copper pipe was gone, again... went outside and saw that they got the installed ac condenser unit too. Another "Unsolved Mystery"
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