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Old 11-27-2017, 07:13 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Liberals learned a long time ago, that their agenda doesn't play well in most of America. So what liberals did, in order to advance their agenda, was concentrate on taking over the media and academia. It was brilliant, you genuinely have to give them credit from a strategic point of view.

When I was in college, I was a registered Democrat. It made perfect sense to me, to eliminate poverty by taking just a little bit more from the fabulously wealthy, who could not possibly miss a few pennies here and there. I really believed (because it's all I was taught in college, and all I saw on TV) that conservatives were happy to let poor people starve to death, so that millionaires could become billionaires. I heard that 100 times a day, and it was never, ever challenged. And I was a math major, not a sociology major, and I still got indoctrinated.

It was in my mid 20s when I realized how moronic all of that is. But college kids don't know any better, so it's very effective at creating liberals. And 99% of America doesn't watch Foxnews, so most people only hear Hilary say that people like me are deplorable, most people never hear the other point of view, they never get to see any challenges to liberalism. Because an honest presentation of what conservatism is, only happens on one network. On every other network, conservatives are described in awful language.
Local kid is scheduled to graduate from UMass Amherst in May. 25 year old Marine Corps veteran did tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He cannot wait to get out. Is surrounded by anti-American teaching. His very words. It is nothing more than a factory to indoctrinate the American youth into becoming left leaning Democratic socialists! Just before his Thanksgiving break hid class was given a writing assignment that was to confess how as a white person, what it was like to grow up with such entitlements...... Are you kidding me? Apologizing for who he is? Another reason my alma mater will never get a dime from me again

“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.” – James Madison.
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