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Old 12-02-2017, 07:18 AM   #114
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Trump's tax plan, if it passes, will free up a little cash in the typical household's monthly budget. But the biggest winners are likely to be the wealthiest Americans, who are poised to save significantly .. just the estate tax supports this statement as Fact
"shows your bias against facts "

What 'facts'? The GOP has studies saying the poor will pay less, the Democrats have studies showing that everyone making less than $500,000 will be tortured to death. As usual. We'll see how it plays out, and if (like with Obamacare) it turns out that the supporting party was wrong about everything they promised, they will (and should) pay a political price.

"these companys are all ready flush with cash"

Some large companies are flush with cash, true. Many, many smaller companies are not.

Here on this forum, Nebe said that a reduction in corporate taxes would help his business and therefore him personally. Is he some heartless, right-wing plutocrat?

I'm a lot of things, not all of them good. I'm not a hypocrite, and I don't ignore facts that I don't find convenient.

"the biggest winners are likely to be the wealthiest Americans"

The wealthy have more of their money invested in things that take advantage of things like this. That's just how math works. It may not be fair or "equitable", but I'm not sure it's bad. They wealthy will use that money in ways that cannot fail to help the economy. Not even Spence can make that wrong, he doesn't even try.
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