Thread: Flynn
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Old 12-04-2017, 12:14 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
There is an ongoing investigation if Trump colluded and your upset that people have a belief he is guilty (of something) yet you believe that Clinton guilty of wrongdoing even though the FBI said that while careless there is no evidence she intended to violate the law and that no reasonable prosecuter would charge her.

Aren't you in someways doing what your upset others are doing?
Am I missing something? Was there a special independent consul leading an investigation of her use of a private server? And didn't Comey say there was evidence of a crime being committed or that a crime was committed but that, in his opinion, no reasonable prosecutor would charge her. And wasn't his assumption vehemently protested as false, that he actually laid out a more than reasonable case for prosecution.
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