Thread: Flynn
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Old 12-04-2017, 12:23 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Republicans spent $7m on 33 separate hearings over four years. They hope to find evidence that the Secretary of State at the time, Hillary Clinton, was in some way guilty of wrongdoing. knows she would be the nominee and found nothing .. and now theses same republicans are crying foul ... curious

but now they are upset with the current investigation
There was an investigation of why Benghazi went wrong--it did actually go wrong. They weren't searching for evidence that it went wrong. It actually did go wrong. And they did conclude what why it went wrong and laid much of the blame on SecState. The notion of nothing being found is political spin.

The Benghazi investigation was not a search for evidence. The supposed Trump collusion investigation is not based on a known crime. Nor on the basis of evidence that Trump collusion occurred. It is a hunt for evidence. Which is standing due process on its head.
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