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Old 12-06-2017, 10:27 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
No, that's why we have Civil Rights and Equal Protection. Otherwise you'd have people claiming any religious exemption for anything.

And you know this.
How is that a logical response to my saying "That's the reason that religious liberty is protected by the Constitution. It is "odd" [your characterization of the Baker's beliefs] to non-believers. If being "odd" was a crime, there are times that you'd be breaking the law."

Are you saying that the First Amendment's protection of religious freedom violates Civil Rights and Equal Protection? That is an "odd" concept.

The First Amendment IS a Civil Right, and further it protects Natural Rights. And, as I've said several times in other posts, someone's rights cannot deny others of their rights. There is no natural, nor should there be a civil, right to demand that someone must bake a certain kind of cake against their will. And refusing to bake such a cake does not deny anyone's civil or natural right to have that kind of cake. Buying a product requires seeking someone who sells it. Demanding that someone should produce a product they don't make is not a right. Not baking the kind of cake that you choose not to make does not deny someone from searching for a place that does make that product. And forcing someone to bake something against his will, IS trespassing that person's civil and natural right.

So Equal Protection protects BOTH parties rights. Desiring a product is a right. Not wishing to produce a product is a right. Forcing the right to have a product against the right not to make such product, is not equal protection. It is one-sided coercion.

Not baking a cake because that would trespass one's religious beliefs is certainly not "claiming any religious exemption for anything", as you put it. It is practicing a constitutional right which does not negate anyone else's right. And being "odd" is not a crime, as long as it doesn't deny others of the right to be "odd."
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