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Old 12-11-2017, 09:31 AM   #29
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why do you insist Bannon needs to be caught with a smoking gun in hand. to be see that his nationalism ideas promote the Racism you say isn't there? see below

from the comment section of breitbart in a story promoting Moore

Those slithering snakes have nowhere to hide.. all the enemies of the people have been exposed by our Righteous President. Every deplorable in this nation is armed with a spade to behead every Rat and RINO..every vote counts!

Elect Justice Roy Moore to restore Law & Order to DC and Our Nation at Large.
MAGA MOORE!....An American constitutionalist.

Moore will keep out the dangerous illegal migrants and the moslem terrorist fake refugees.

Moore will build the wall.

Vote for Moore to protect America!

on the NYC pipe bomb

Another "Explosion" in America!

The New "normal" brought to you by likes of Barrak Hussein Oblahblah, Governor Coumo and Mayor DumBlasio!

It's plain to see what having #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&s "in charge" Really means for this country!

Compare the last 8 years in America to the previous 40...

Vote Roy Moore, Alabama!! (funny they forgot 9|11)

A permanent ban on muslim immigration and building the wall is the only way to keep America safe. To hell with political correctness, America first.

ill obama's people at it again,, obama invited this crap among us ,,, he should be arrested for every muslim killer he let in,, gave money jobs places to live food healthcare and and and ,, all living tax free

none of the above are based on Facts Bannon does not operate on facts.. they wont work on his audience . So he promotes A primary emphasis on promotion of culture... White christian culture
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