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Old 12-15-2017, 09:29 PM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Men of character don't need to bully their way to the top and even if in the back of their minds they still believe men to be superior to women; they would never sexually harass, inappropriately touch or even consider raping a woman. I think any man who can beat a women or child, sexually harass or go so far as rape a woman; are cowards and not men at all.

Shame on either the left or right for contributing to this inappropriate behavior and double shame on those willing to stand by and say nothing or even promote a known abuser to a position where he can do more harm. To see the GOP do the right thing initially by not backing Moore, only to put their tails between their legs, when the poster boy abuser and bully asks them to back Moore is so gutless and lacks vision.

To those that say why now, why bring these up know, this has to be a politically motivated ploy of all made up accusations; I would say you probably don't know anyone who has gone through it at a younger age. I personally know three women who confided in me in their 40's that they were raped as teenagers or young women and not one brought accusations or charges due to the climate, the person involved and the crippling fear nobody would believe them.

It's common place for rape victims to become victims again, they are accused of dressing slutty, or by their actions (usually viewed from a man/pigs perspective) as asking for it and they are traumatized once again. One of these women was and is still to this day scared for life and will never recover due to the circumstances.

The fact that these victims are suddenly now coming forward has much to do with their feeling of community, this metoo movement seems to have empowered women who might not have spoken out, to shed the dark cloud hanging over them for decades. Are there some false accusations out their, there probably are a small percentage, as there would be for any accusations of wrong doing. I believe the majority and while I can't speak for others, any serious accusations on either side of the isle should be looked into and dealt with.

Looking back in the rear view mirror to attempt to judge today's actions based on past presidents, congressmen or senators makes no sense IMHO. Everyone used to own slaves, we grew up and decided that wasn't right and had a civil war over it. It wasn't all that long ago women weren't able to vote, we grew up and changed that. Wasn't long ago it was back of the buss for anyone of color, again we as a society have evolved. Times change and what might have been acceptable in the good old days for our fathers or our grandfathers, just isn't today.

Good strong men of character likely didn't abuse 40 years ago, 20 years ago or ten years from now; those that do shouldn't be elected officials. It was wrong for Ted Kennedy, wrong for Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby and the fact we have a president who likely would fit right into that fraternity is a sad state of the nation.
I agree with much of this, but of course the current liberal concern about sexual harassment is politically motivated. If Hilary had won, the libs would still have a vested interest in protecting her, and I promise we would not be having this conversation. This is only happening because the kennedysbwith double digit IQs are all gone, and the clintons outlived their usefulness, and because of trump.

I don’t like the idea of punishing anyone based on accusations. Investigate trump, if he committed a crime make him face the consequences for once. If Lisa Bloom was trying to help accusers get rich for making accusations, that tarnished the credibility of the accusers. Right or wrong, it does.
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