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Old 12-18-2017, 08:56 PM   #274
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
She was accussed of sexual assault or being a pedophile?

You tell me which of these is wrong...

She stayed married to a predator.

She lied to protect him (saying he was innocent, and that the vast right wing conspiracy was framing him)

She used her platform as first lady, to slut shame his victims on national TV.

Are those actions consistent with what liberals are saying (today) that we should be doing?

True or false, Paul? True or false?

Liberals are saying 'silence is consent'. She was a lot more than silent on the issue, she clearly sided with the abuser, and she did it out of greed and ambition.

And in one of the truly great deliveries of justice ever, the most inevitable presidential candidate since the invention of the word 'inevitable', is now wandering the woods alone, blabbering like an idiot, doing infomercials for her book.

Good riddance to bad garbage.
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