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Old 12-18-2017, 10:40 PM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Oh. So when she referred to Bill's victims as "loony tunes narcissists", that was what?

That's not sluts shaming. You've been reading into the sleazy Republican narrative so long it's clouded your mind. You should do a little research on what the woman accuses Hillary of doing to them.

"She defended her husband"

And what did she defend, exactly? His right to prey upon women.

The sleazy Republicans lied so much and for so long about the clintons that she didn't believe them. Do you think they had Vince Foster killed LOL. Maybe the clintons vandalized Wiley's car or threw a dead cat on her porch or whatever the other things they've accused the clintons of doing.

"Times change and in this case for the better. "

Ah. And the fact that liberals didn't change their tine on abusing women, until Trump was elected and the Clintons became refuse, is what? A coincidence? As I said, selective outrage, is fake outrage. Not long ago, the pigs in Hollywood, led by Meryl Streep, gave a standing ovation to convicted child rapist Roman Polanski. I have something to learn from these hedonistic sodomites about how to treat women with respect?

Those moral conservative had no problem electing a vile person who bragged on tape about assaulting women and walking in on naked women.

"Don't tell me about moral authority when you seem to have no problem not calling for Trump to resign"

I said let's investigate.

What's to investigate? we have him on tape bragging about assaulting women. How many times do we have to repeat it? What is more clear than his own voice on tape?

There was photographic evidence of what Franken did, and he admitted it. You show me photos of Trump abusing women, I will scream at the top of my lungs for him to step down.

You mean the picture of Franken with his hands hovering over a woman's breast but not touching them? You seem to be ignoring Trump's own words. In a court of law tape of someone's comments is very good evidence in case you didn't know that.

"The Dems have outplayed the Repubs on this issue"

Oh my yes, whch explains the results of all the elections since last November, of which the GOP lost one, and won several.

No that just shows that the Republicans did not care about all the assaults that Trump committed. As we've said many many times previously they had many people they could have chosen instead they chose somebody who brags about assaulting women. He thinks it's a joke and you moral conservatives elected him without giving it a second thought.

I cannot wait for 2018. The DNC is crapping their pants.
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" That's not sluts shaming."

Oh. When Hilary goes on national TV and attacks the character of the women who accused don't call that slut shaming. OK, pray tell, what is it, exactly?

"The sleazy Republicans lied so much and for so long about the clintons that she didn't believe them"

Oh, so she was pushed to lying by the "sleazy" GOP! Of course! Tell us, when she lied about getting shot at in Bosnia, can we assume that was also the fault of Republicans?

"we have him on tape bragging about assaulting women."

Did he admit to a specific crime?

"What's to investigate"

So in your mind, once allegations have been made, trials are unnecessary? Tell that to the Duke lacrosse players.

"In a court of law tape of someone's comments is very good evidence"

Let's have the trial or investigation (like with Hilary's emails), present evidence on both sides.
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