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Old 12-19-2017, 08:31 AM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Cracks me up that the core keeps waving the Trump flag, spouting the
party line and screaming foul over all the "fake news" and "fake accusations" the media puts out to tarnish the very fragile ego of Donald Trump. Inappropriate sexual conduct by Trump is far from his number one character flaw, but it's certainly in the top ten. I love all the fake news crying by Trump, when he in fact is the biggest liar and tweeter of untruths that we have seen in quite some time.

I personally don't have the time to fact check and view Stern interviews, as I understand there are over 15 hours and well over 100,000 spoken words, I've heard enough choice samples of those, along with the access Hollywood tape and all the filth coming out of his mouth throughout the campaign to form an opinion. I have no doubt many if not the majority of the accusations have some truth in them. Hey if you have the time and nothing better to do have fun, I may return in time to read your blue, red or yellow font of the day retort. If not I'm sure it will be extremely well thought out, highly researched and a very articulate response to somehow convince me my opinion must be in error.

I love the most recent lie coming out of his mouth, that the tax bill is really going to hurt Trump and his family, are you kidding me; he must take the average citizen to be an idiot if we believe that statement. If the discourse over the nuts and bolts of the bill are correct, the core that elected him are going to get the screwing once the rates go back up, if not immediately. Not to mention the hit to the deficit their children will inherit. Guess who pays for those ER or EMS services to the soon to be uninsured with the mandate going away.

Then today he's back campaigning and suggests the need to really rebuild our infrastructure after watching one of his 8 hour daily (don't you have a fing job, I'm retired and have time for a couple hours daily) TV viewings and catching the news about the Amtrak derailing; just where is that money coming from? I hope all the core Trump supporters are buying into this trickle down economics reasoning, all I can say is thank God I'm out of the work force and not worrying to much about taxes at this point. Russia is one of the few places on earth willing to loan the Trump family money, possibly his new found love Putin can throw us some infrastructure money; because I don't think the deficit can take another hit.

Did you happen to watch 60 minutes yesterday, that show was so on point and yet we are about to give the corporate pharmaceutical industry drug dealing SOB's who created the opioid problem a big Xmass present and pat on the back. One of the other interesting pieces was pointing out (I"m sure you will fact check that for me) that there were 74% more deaths in this country at the hands of white supremacist than radical Islamics. So while I agree that boarder security and proper vetting of immigrants is important, you would think the POTUS would do a better job at not contributing the divide that is in fact causing more trouble at home.

Don't get me started on show me your taxes Donald and if I hear him say there is no collusion one more time, I'd have to suggest to him; it ain't over until the fat lady sings. Even if you believe this clown (sorry that's my opinion) can clean the swamp (frankly I think he just really added a very foul odor to it), do you think he is the man you can trust with foreign policy and dealing with a world threat like NK or the middle east? He has shown the littlest things upset his ego, I only pray there are people serving in our military that will keep that child in check.

Twas the night before Xmass and all through the white house, not a creature was stiring not even Donalds spouse.

His tweets had been crafted with his usual care
in the hopes that tomorrow nobody would be spared.

When out on the lawn there rose such a terrible clatter
it interrupted a tweet so Potus sprung up to see what was the matter.

The partisan children would all snuggled in bed
with some hoping a new tax bill would bring in some bread.

Well you can fill in the blanks, but I suspect some of you children aren't getting those new shiny raises Trump suspects corporate american is going to hand down in thanks for the tax break.....coal all around....sorry Trump loves coal.....haha.
"screaming foul over all the "fake news" and "fake accusations" the media puts out"

90% percent of the coverage of the man, is negative. Now, he's unique kind of jerk, so he brings much of this on himself. But the media is out to get him.

"there were 74% more deaths in this country at the hands of white supremacist than radical Islamics"

Come on, that's because we spend billions and billions to protect ourselves from jhadists, and for damn good reason. Would you feel better if a jihadist had set off a dirty bomb and thus killed more Americans than white supremacists?

"you would think the POTUS would do a better job at not contributing the divide that is in fact causing more trouble at home. "

He is extremely divisive. So was the last POTUS...

"do you think he is the man you can trust with foreign policy and dealing with a world threat like NK or the middle east?"

Him personally? Hell, no. But that's why we don't live in a monarchy, there are all kinds of limits to what he can do. At a macro-level, I prefer his ideas to hose of Hilary, but am disappointed with the results. I wanted a wall on the southern border, I wanted Obamacare replaced with something better, which the GOP had 7 years to prepare for.

"I hope all the core Trump supporters are buying into this trickle down economics reasoning"

Again, unless the wealthy burn their money or bury it forever in their yards, they will use it in a way that helps the economy. No one can refute that. There might be better ways to help the economy, but when wealthy people spend money, or invest it, or put it in the bank, or pay taxes with it, or give it to charity...those are all good things. Right? Don't all those things help the economy?

I cannot stand the guy. But he's not coming close to getting fair treatment by the media. And by 'fair', I don't mean they should never criticize him, because he is a deeply flawed individual. But how much time does the media spend talking about the Russia probe (which thus far has produced no evidence of collusion), and how much time do they spend talking about the stock market and low unemployment, which has done a tremendous amount of good for the nation? When Obama stoppped the unemployment bleeding, it was all over the news ho many jobs he created. Does Trump get that credit anywhere othet than at Foxnews? Nope.

It's pathetic, and hard to actually believe, how blatantly partisan it all is, how out of whack we all are. 90% of us cannot say anything negative about those we agree with, nor can we say anything positive about those we disagree with.
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