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Old 12-19-2017, 12:36 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Cracks me up that the core keeps waving the Trump flag, spouting the
party line

This is sarcastic, inflammatory, divisive, symbolism over substance. And "cores" are usually characterized by their opposing "cores" as being laughable bumpkins, or worse. And "cores" of both parties do spout the party line. That's why they're "cores." What I like about Trump is that he battles his own party. No doubt, neither you nor I, on the other hand, are party line thinkers.

and screaming foul over all the "fake news" and "fake accusations" the media puts out to tarnish the very fragile ego of Donald Trump.

Trump does have a huge ego. It seems more to be a strong one rather than a fragile one. And that news which is fake is the usual, universal and historically consistent slanting and omission. That is to be expected in editorials, humans being what they are. But when the line between reportage and editorializing disappears and they become one, as in TV talking head "journalists," then even "reports" become slanted, one sided, omitting facts or opinions, thus reporting only that which seems favorable to a select point of view--in other words, biased. I find it to be very credible to call the "news," which is repeated every hour on the hour, to a great extent, fake.

Inappropriate sexual conduct by Trump is far from his number one character flaw, but it's certainly in the top ten. I love all the fake news crying by Trump, when he in fact is the biggest liar and tweeter of untruths that we have seen in quite some time.

That seems to be a bit biased, don't you think? Not totally accurate, and quite slanted.

I personally don't have the time to fact check and view Stern interviews, as I understand there are over 15 hours and well over 100,000 spoken words, I've heard enough choice samples of those,

That could be the problem. Choice samples selected out of interviews, especially typically salacious Howard Stern interviews, can be isolated out of the entire context to make someone appear more decadent than he is. That is what I found to be the case with the selected clips cobbled together in a couple of videos by CNN which were obviously selected out of their context and put together . . . oops, was interrupted here by a couple of Jehovah's Witness ladies knocking at my door. They were, as always, very warm, friendly, and concerned about my spiritual well-being. I graciously accepted their Watchtower magazine. Probably won't read it, but I like those people a lot. I'm sure they have to fight off the demons, sexual or other wise, that we humans have to control in our lives . . . and, as I was saying, the selected clips are put together in a montage of "samples" in order to exaggerate and thus create a far more depraved sexual demon than Trump actually, if at all, is. One could, and some have, make Trump out to be a loving, caring, responsible, family man, even by selecting various "choice samples" from his Howard Stern interviews.

along with the access Hollywood tape and all the filth coming out of his mouth throughout the campaign to form an opinion. I have no doubt many if not the majority of the accusations have some truth in them. Hey if you have the time and nothing better to do have fun, I may return in time to read your blue, red or yellow font of the day retort. If not I'm sure it will be extremely well thought out, highly researched and a very articulate response to somehow convince me my opinion must be in error.

I know that I will not convince you that you are in error. That is one of the things I enjoyed in reading this essay of yours. It is a well crafted portrayal of someone comfortably and confidently settled in a correct middle of things--an important character in Shakespeare's Hamlet named Polonius comes to mind. Polonius was a respectable, somewhat lovable guy who was comfortable and confident in his view on life, freely giving advice based on those views, and sure that he was right, and could not be convinced otherwise. Shakespeare didn't dislike Polonius. But, in the end, Polonius's counsel led to the death of his son and daughter.

What I love about great literature is that it can inform us more about life than all the TV talking heads put together do with their flawed and insufficient portrayal of it.

I love the most recent lie coming out of his mouth, that the tax bill is really going to hurt Trump and his family, are you kidding me; he must take the average citizen to be an idiot if we believe that statement.

I'm sure a "hurt" to a billionaire can be a life's income to the average man. Am I an idiot for believing that?

If the discourse over the nuts and bolts of the bill are correct, the core that elected him are going to get the screwing once the rates go back up, if not immediately.

Depends on which discourse. There are, actually, different ones. Some, even, that are not politically or anti-Trump motivated.

Not to mention the hit to the deficit their children will inherit. Guess who pays for those ER or EMS services to the soon to be uninsured with the mandate going away.

Deficits are not inherited. But debt is. The last time the national debt was lowered was under Calvin Coolidge. And his fiscal policies were the actual reason for that decrease in debt. But, trying to get a serious discussion on debt reduction modeled on Coolidge policy is a non-starter. Our previous president's and his party's pork fed policies doubled an already huge debt. And the President before him was not a mere piglet in that regard.

And guess who's paying for the various health care services to those who are subsidized under Obamacare? The same ones who paid for the ER and EMS services given to the uninsured before Obamacare. And paying even more than they did before Obamacare.

Then today he's back campaigning and suggests the need to really rebuild our infrastructure after watching one of his 8 hour daily (don't you have a fing job,

If the previous President's promise to use the stimulus money to rebuild the infrastructure was actually kept Trump wouldn't have to do that. And if Obama had done it, the economy might actually have been better during his administration. Maybe not.

And that omission part of fake news makes us believe that Trump is not doing his job, that he is not accomplishing anything, that the only thing he does is tweet nonsense and lies. He has actually done a lot, against the expected resistance from the Dems, and even against resistance from his party.

I'm retired and have time for a couple hours daily) TV viewings and catching the news about the Amtrak derailing; just where is that money coming from? I hope all the core Trump supporters are buying into this trickle down economics reasoning, all I can say is thank God I'm out of the work force and not worrying to much about taxes at this point. Russia is one of the few places on earth willing to loan the Trump family money, possibly his new found love Putin can throw us some infrastructure money; because I don't think the deficit can take another hit.

I see no indication that any of the mainline middle of the road politicians, if they exist, would have done anything to shrink the deficit or the debt. The record shows that any of them would raise the debt, not lower it. And everyone, including all of them, say that the infrastructure needs repair. That has been the case for some time. But we get their lip service and little to no structure service. Trump tries to keep his promises, whatever you may think of those promises.

Did you happen to watch 60 minutes yesterday, that show was so on point and yet we are about to give the corporate pharmaceutical industry drug dealing SOB's who created the opioid problem a big Xmass present and pat on the back. One of the other interesting pieces was pointing out (I"m sure you will fact check that for me) that there were 74% more deaths in this country at the hands of white supremacist than radical Islamics. So while I agree that boarder security and proper vetting of immigrants is important, you would think the POTUS would do a better job at not contributing the divide that is in fact causing more trouble at home.

Nope. Most of that is nonsense to me. Stuck on stupid stuff. Those are all symptoms. Complaining about symptoms, then contributing to them by not getting at the basic, fundamental nature of what causes those symptoms is ignorant blather. But it keeps folks glued to the screen for the allotted hours of the day. And helps to shape those folks' mind in ways to keep them watching and, worse, to keep them believing in the "message."

The "divide" is between folks who believe crap and those who don't. POTUS ain't gonna fix that. And this POTUS didn't create it. He may, like all the others before him, capitalize on it. But politics as usual, which includes the divide, is the distraction which keeps us ignorant. My opinion is that in order to get rid of the symptoms we need to cure the disease. And the disease, in my opinion, is not the sexual proclivities of Presidents or politicians, but in the manner in which they govern. First principles made us great. Abandoning them has continuously devolved us into weakness, pettiness, ignorance, degradation of the individual, group think, identities who compete with and hate each other, greater separation from the productive and unproductive, decadence, more and more dependence on government which in turn gives it the power to keep us and more of us there.

Don't get me started on show me your taxes Donald and if I hear him say there is no collusion one more time, I'd have to suggest to him; it ain't over until the fat lady sings. Even if you believe this clown (sorry that's my opinion) can clean the swamp (frankly I think he just really added a very foul odor to it), do you think he is the man you can trust with foreign policy and dealing with a world threat like NK or the middle east? He has shown the littlest things upset his ego, I only pray there are people serving in our military that will keep that child in check.

As mentioned above, this is sarcastic, inflammatory, divisive, symbolism over substance.

Twas the night before Xmass and all through the white house, not a creature was stiring not even Donalds spouse.

His tweets had been crafted with his usual care
in the hopes that tomorrow nobody would be spared.

When out on the lawn there rose such a terrible clatter
it interrupted a tweet so Potus sprung up to see what was the matter.

The partisan children would all snuggled in bed
with some hoping a new tax bill would bring in some bread.

Well you can fill in the blanks, but I suspect some of you children aren't getting those new shiny raises Trump suspects corporate american is going to hand down in thanks for the tax break.....coal all around....sorry Trump loves coal.....haha.
Nice creative, bitter twist on an otherwise cheerful and uplifting Christmas poem. And the coal thing was cute. A little bit of the Scrooge and coal thing. If that is what you meant.

I enjoyed the discussion. Much better than "Hoo boy."

Last edited by detbuch; 12-19-2017 at 10:39 PM..
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