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Old 12-19-2017, 12:57 PM   #27
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
I agree the media is not Trump friendly, but they aren't reporting "fake news", my God Trump feeds them daily with is wacky behavior, his borderline nut job tweets, his constant bashing of people inside his own administration and constant stream of untruths. If he shut down his twitter account, spent less than his 8 hours a day watching TV to see who he needs to lam-blast in the next tweet and focused more on the job; I think he'd find the press less abrasive to him.

I can't speak for all of corporate America, but that part I'm familiar with put more money in their pockets when business was good and not into the pockets or weekly paychecks of those responsible. Trump can rave about jobless rates and the stock market, but the economy was heading in this direction long before he took office, so he isn't totally responsible for what is happening today. Everything he is doing benefits corporate America and the top 20%, that is why the stock market is doing so well. I hope your correct and trickle down works, but I don't think we will see the benefits for years, if we do at all.

God help us all if he goes after medicare and social security to pay for the deficit bump.
"they aren't reporting "fake news", "

If you watch prime time news, almost all the coverage is about Russian collusion. They are pushing that hard, and avoiding talking about the economy. It might not be "fake" news, but it's very, very distorted coverage. And all the coverage that he endorses or supports white supremacists, is fake news in my opinion. and that got a lot of play. everything negative gets over-reported, everything positive gets buried.

"If he shut down his twitter account,

He needs to grow up and stop spouting off, no doubt.

"I think he'd find the press less abrasive to him."

I'll respectfully disagree. The last 3 Republican presidential nominees were men of very admirable ethics (though not without flaws), and none of them got a remotely fair shake from the media. Bush was an idiot, McCain was a racist, Romney a heartless plutocrat. That's why Trump got the nomination, the party wanted somebody who would be willing, when the media took cheap shots, to punch back.

"I can't speak for all of corporate America, but that part I'm familiar with put more money in their pockets when business was good and not into the pockets or weekly paychecks of those responsible. "

I usually assume that business owners, and senior leadership (I am neither) help drive positive results, more than the entry level people. In any event, the wealthy don't just keep that money in their pockets, they spend it, invest it, or give it away. Those are all good things.

"the economy was heading in this direction long before he took office"

Not to this magnitude. He gets some credit for that, he has to. It's a lot easier to grow the economy after a crash, than it is when the market is already high. He has to get some credit for that.

"Everything he is doing benefits corporate America and the top 20%"

I don't recall poverty rates going down meaningfully under Obama. And 4% unemployment, helps a lot of people who are not at the top. And I believe the tax plan will do more to help average Joes like me.

"God help us all if he goes after medicare and social security to pay for the deficit bump"

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