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Old 01-12-2018, 08:01 PM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
From what he has said about immigration at other times, it sounds that you and he are more in agreement than disagreement. You may be giving him more credit than he deserves for being scientifically inclined. I think business, not eugenics, is his wheelhouse and point of view. He certainly has not said he believed in eugenics.
"Empathy is a fine thing. Most of us empathize. But it cannot be a rational purpose for an immigration policy."

The Battle Hymn Of The Republic says, I think, "as He died to make men holy, let us die to set them free". If empathy for people is a valid reason to go to war, surely it's enough of a reason to let some people come here.

"Where do you get that he doesn't know why it's noble? "

He asked why we are bringing in people from these countries? That tells me, he doesn't currently know why we would want to do it.

"If you empathize with chain migration and think it is a noble thing, you're welcome to your opinion. I don't agree with such an opinion."

I think I agree with you on that one. Being related to someone who is here, isn't a good enough reason, in and of itself.

"it sounds that you and he are more in agreement than disagreement"

I would bet you are probably right. I agree with most of his policy agenda. It's just that his choice of wording, is so unnecessarily offensive. Who would deny that Haiti is a sh*thole country?

I agree that these are sh*thole countries. They are beyond dysfunctional, horribly run, and causing immeasurable despair. But that's exactly why I want to bring some people from those places. People in Norway aren't tortured to death for speaking against the government, they don't need our help.

"You may be giving him more credit than he deserves for being scientifically inclined"

You re probably right on that score, as well.

The other aspect of this that angers me, is about domestic politics. Because of the economy, and because of which senators are up for re-election in November, what the democrats should be talking about, is whether or not the GOP will win unanimously in November. But because of this guy's inability to keep from saying godawful things, if the elections were today, the democrats would probably re-take the house. I don't want that nutjob Pelosi as speaker of the House again, and Trump is making that more likely, and I just can't stand it.
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