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Old 01-22-2018, 01:04 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"The GOP couldn't even get all the Republicans on board"

True. It's also true that if they had all the Republican senators, that would have had exactly zero effect on the outcome. True or false?

I like that there are moderate Republicans. Sometimes they do things I like, sometimes they don't.

"The issue here isn't the Dems or even DACA "

Then your issue isn't the shutdown. Because the Dems caused the shutdown by demanding that DACA be part of it. DACA has nothing to do with operational funding.

"even DACA which most everyone supports"

If that's true, then we have a responsibility to let our elected officials know that. That has nothing to do with the operational budget. The ems inserted it in there thinking it would put pressure on the GOP to pass it. It didn't work.

"the issue is the disconnect between the Senate Republicans and the Whitehouse"

No, it's not. Because even if all the Republican senators were in agreement, we'd be in the same exact situation. They don't have 60 seats.

They should let the dems have their way with DACA, and th eprice is the dems agree to the wall. Hell, the tax windfall we're getting from Apple alone will fund the wall.
its called governance (The action or manner of governing)the GOP has not idea on how to Govern. The last 8 years they were the party of NO!! now they are the party of we dont know how... ..
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