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Old 01-23-2018, 02:24 PM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Like where?
Suburbs of Nashville, Charlotte, some places in NH, suburbs of Atlanta.

If I didn't care about being near my parents, I'd move to Fort Mill SC. A suburb of Charlotte NC. Very low taxes, insanely good schools, good quality of life. Much cheaper than CT.

I know 3 upper middle-class families that moved from CT to Sunnappee, NH. They are saving a fortune, they say they sacrificed nothing in terms of quality of life, and will never come back.

And I did the math that helped my brother move his family and his business from Litchfield CT to the suburbs of Nashville. Everything is new down there, everything is awesome. He is saving more than $1,000 a month in taxes. Over a couple of decades, it's a fortune. He would say that CT offers not a single thing to justify that extra $1,000 a month. Zip.

There are lots of places that are a better bang for the buck. There just aren't any in the blue New England states that I know of.

Not coincidentally, the places I mentioned are on Amazon's list of finalists for the new HQ. CT was bounced in the first round. Yet the elite liberals here claim you get what you pay for, that CT is awesome while the south is nothing but fried twinkies and trailer parks. In the cities I mentioned, they cannot build $450,000 houses fast enough. Most of the people buying those houses are tax refugees from New England. These people want all the services they are used to...they just don't want to overpay for them. And they found out, they don't have to.
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