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Old 01-24-2018, 09:56 AM   #20
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
But you have constantly said here that the liberal cities suck or other vile terms. Now you're changing your arguement. It is tough to discuss something with someone who constantly changes their arguement.

I'm not the one bending over backwards - you are. You said 'liberal cities" earlier and discussed Charlotte (which is liberal). You brought up Amazon and used NC and TN as examples. But Amazon didn't say "NC" and "TN" - they specifically said the liberal cities in those states. They aren't looking to move to somewhere out in the country - they want the liberal cities. You defeated your own arguement.
"But you have constantly said here that the liberal cities suck or other vile terms"

Liberalism has been an economic disaster for CT, unless you are in a public labor union, or unless you are wealthy. You may disagree. But I can make a very compelling case.

People are fleeing CT, and moving to right-leaning states because of the lower cost of living. You think that because there are left-leaning cities near where people are moving (though not liberal by CT standards), that means that liberalism isn't to blame for people leaving CT, nor is conservatism the reason that people are moving south.

Paul, I'll keep it simple. People are leaving CT because it's too expensive, and moving to places that are every bit as nice as CT, but much cheaper. That's not me bending over backwards, that's stating the obvious.

I say that CT's liberalism is to blame for the high cost here, and that southern conservatism gets credit for their ability to offer a similar quality of life at lower cost.
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