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Old 01-26-2018, 10:08 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
its called seeing the world with both eyes open

you use the word liberalism as a universal cause to everything

the past 63 years since 1952 40 of those years republicans held the white house

the other 23 years the Dems

whos in denial??? not I
"you use the word liberalism as a universal cause to everything"

Not remotely true. I agree with liberals on gay marriage and the death penalty. I'm no thoughtless zombie. But in terms of economics, liberalism has almost a 100% failure rate in this country. I don't say that because I happen to like it. I say it, because it's true.

"the past 63 years since 1952 40 of those years republicans held the white house

the other 23 years the Dems "

Many things wrong with that statement. First, "republican" doesn't always mean "conservative". Hell, Bill Clinton was a Democrats who implemented VERY conservative economic principles, and it worked spectacularly well. also, the legislature is where the action is, they write laws and craft budgets. Not the executive. Not usually, anyway...executive orders are changing that a bit.

"whos in denial??? "

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