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Old 01-26-2018, 08:00 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
FedEx announced wage increases, employee bonuses and pension funding on Friday, citing the new Republican-backed tax-reform plan.

The company announced that two-thirds of $200 million in increased compensation will go to hourly employees, while the remainder will be put toward performance-based incentive plans for salaried employees.

FedEx also said $1.5 billion will be put toward the company's pension plan and another $1.5 billion would go toward expanding the company's hub in Indianapolis.

"FedEx believes the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will likely increase [gross domestic product] and investment in the United States," the company said on its website.

Home Depot said on Thursday it would be giving a $1,000 bonus to employees who have worked at Home Depot at least 20 years, according to CNBC.

Starbucks announced new raises for its employees on Wednesday, while JPMorgan Chase and Disney said on Tuesday they would give their employees raises and bonuses as a result of tax reform.
Its a 1 time dog and pony show .. a pr stunt to look as if they are giving back , and not funneling all the money back to share holder's and to praise dear leader .... was in Walmart today only 4 check out lines open ... looks like they toldeveryone they increased the pay but failed to say they cut the hours
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