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Old 01-26-2018, 09:17 PM   #89
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Its a 1 time dog and pony show .. a pr stunt to look as if they are giving back , and not funneling all the money back to share holder's and to praise dear leader .... was in Walmart today only 4 check out lines open ... looks like they toldeveryone they increased the pay but failed to say they cut the hours
"Its a 1 time dog and pony show "

Apple announced 20,000 new jobs, and a tax payment of $38 billion. Comcast (who own MSNBC) announced $50 billion in infrastructure spending. dog and pony show?

Obama didn't do anything to do more for these folks in 8 years.

"and not funneling all the money back to share holder's" Also good for the economy.

"and to praise dear leader "

Again, Comcast, who signs Rachael Maddow's paycheck, is spending $50 billion to make Trump look good. This is what you are saying?
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