Thread: Memo is out
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Old 02-05-2018, 09:54 AM   #86
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
there was no FISA warrant before and without the dossier...that is the issue
In the end, they gave Trump a huge gift by doing this. They're probably all racing each other to get into the witness protection program to hide from Trump.

I can just see these reptiles making the political calculation, that she was going to win, and if they helped kick her ball onto the fairway during the campaign, surely she would re-pay them for that once she was in power.

Boy did they bet on the wrong horse. I almost can't think of a scenario where you could screw yourself more royally. I would love to see the expressions on these people's faces from election night as the results came in, I'm surprised they didn't all drink the Jonestown Kool Aid.
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