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Old 02-07-2018, 01:50 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
military parades are bad? Is the Memorial Day parade in my town, now just a dog whistle for totalitarianism?

You people have come completely, and I mean completely, unglued.

We have people in harm's way. Honoring them with a parade, is an ominous sign of nationalism? I have a better idea, let's have another liberal march on The Mall where bitter losers scream the f word into megaphones and then leave the place littered with trash and cigarette butts. That's what we really need, not a parade.

Your out of touch with reality ... this has noting to do Honoring those in harms way .. 22years I served and a combat tour in Iraq I need no Honoring ,, if you don't know or can't see the difference between patriotism and Nationalism and how it works ..

let me show you

1st you attack a group

2nd you attack the

3rd you attack the CIA

4th you attack the DOJ

5th you attack the FBI

6 you attack the other party Un American and treasonous

7 now you use the military as a poltical prop

8 sell it to the faithful as Patriotism ....

9.. to isolate him from any criticism

10 he has 3 more years to do who knows what next
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