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Old 02-07-2018, 02:10 PM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Your out of touch with reality ... this has noting to do Honoring those in harms way .. 22years I served and a combat tour in Iraq I need no Honoring ,, if you don't know or can't see the difference between patriotism and Nationalism and how it works ..

let me show you

1st you attack a group - like H

2nd you attack the

3rd you attack the CIA

4th you attack the DOJ

5th you attack the FBI

6 you attack the other party Un American and treasonous

7 now you use the military as a poltical prop

8 sell it to the faithful as Patriotism ....

9.. to isolate him from any criticism

10 he has 3 more years to do who knows what next
"1st you attack a group "

Hmmm...lik Obama saying that Republicans "gotta stop just hatin' all the time? Or Hilary calling Republicans deplorable and irredeemable?

"2nd you attack the

Hmmm..did Obama ever stop whining about Foxnews?

"3rd you attack the CIA, 4th you attack the DOJ, 5th you attack the FBI"

Are we attacking everyone in those institutions? Or a small number of people? I itemized a fairly long list of known, irrefutable facts about what some of those people did. I asked what items on my list were not true. Didn't hear a peep from you. In fact, you sure implied that Trey Gowdy knows what he's talking about with regards to the FISA memo.

"9.. to isolate him from any criticism"

Right, Trump doesn't get any direct criticism.

"10 he has 3 more years to do who knows what next"

More like 7 unless there's a democrat running that I'm not aware of. Neither Bernie nor Lie-awatha is likely going to beat him.
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