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Old 02-07-2018, 03:10 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Thank God for those highly educated folks in Calif. who help fund all those red areas.
Actually, states like California and New York have had their massive overspending and high taxes, especially high property taxes, subsidized by a lot of red states who could not lower their federal taxes as much as the high tax states because their itemized property taxes were so much lower.

But, I wonder if you believe that gerrymandering is a threat to democracy, do you believe that states like California are also a danger to democracy: "There were two Democrats — and zero Republicans — running to replace Sen. Barbara Boxer. There were no Republicans on the ballot for House seats in nine of California's congressional districts.

At the state level, six districts had no Republicans running for the state senate, and 16 districts had no Republicans running for state assembly seats."
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