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Old 02-07-2018, 06:27 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
She won by nearly 2m votes in NY as well.

So flip it around and say had she won just Texas she'd be POTUS. It was close...3 swing states and 80,000 votes.
Even if you eliminate the Texas vote along with the California vote, Trump would still have won the popular vote. The California difference is too huge to compare it with anything else.

And, the Democrats are definitely gunning for Texas. And they can depend on the California method to take Texas. California is now a majority Latino State in population. Texas is steadily moving in that direction. Perhaps, Texas has staved off being overcome by leftists because so many from the right side have moved there (from California, e.g.). But birth rate demographics will probably overcome that edge. Which means that the Republican Party will continually have to keep moving left to stay in power.

Kiss the Republic goodbye. Unless somehow Latinos, all of a sudden, realize that the Constitution is more important than cultural dominance.
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