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Old 02-09-2018, 11:48 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Who called Trump Hitler, this was written in 2010.
Where in the Constitution does it say anything about Christianity?
Or anything that would prohibit the practice of any religion?

Conservatives want to look at history with a narrow view and pick the time they liked and try to get back there.
The war on drugs has failed
The war on abortion failed, it only lasted 100 years and did not eliminate abortion.
I'll admit that being a Republican at a liberal arts college can be dangerous and I have a little experience with that.
But i do believe that if you are young being liberal is not bad, but what happened at a local college with a conservative speaker was disappointing.
"Or anything that would prohibit the practice of any religion?"

Tell that to Christian bakers who get sued for having the nerve to want to practice their religion.

"Conservatives want to look at history with a narrow view and pick the time they liked and try to get back there."

It's called reacting to empirical evidence, and advocating for what works over what doesn't work. Hooray, 75% of black babies are now born to fatherless households! And if I say we need to re-establish the importance of the black nuclear family, that makes me a regressive who wants to go back in time? Or does it make me a rational person who knows how to identify and address the root cause of a problem?
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