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Old 02-09-2018, 06:26 PM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Where do Libertarians fit in this equation?
How is Islam any different from any other religion, or Catholicism for that matter which has it's own state and sole leader on earth. When I was a kid some people were concerned about electing a Papist as president. That was JFK. There are sects in many religions that I have no use for and that most of the practitioners of the more mainstream parts would disavow. People twist the Koran, Bible, Torah to fit their views.
Who fought the Crusades, brought Christianity to the rest of the World, willingly and unwillingly and lots of other things in the name of their God. I think it is a case of let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
"How is Islam any different from any other religion, or Catholicism"

Well. let's see. For starters, there aren't large numbers of Catholics who want to slaughter everyone who isn't Catholic, so there's that.

How many Muslim hospitals, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and adoption agencies are you aware of?

Catholicism also doesn't brutalize women, doesn't force them to dress like ninjas and mutilate their genitalia.
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