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Old 02-15-2018, 02:37 PM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
This sounds catchy but doesn't make much sense. Have democrats been ignoring the mental health aspects? Didn't Trump revoke an Obama era bill to make it harder for people to get guns?

Another tragedy and another round of there's nothing we can do.
"This sounds catchy but doesn't make much sense"

Correction, it doesn't make sense to you. Nothing makes sense to you unless it attacks conservatives and exonerates liberals.

"Have democrats been ignoring the mental health aspects?"

Liberals tend to support the idea of people being allowed to enjoy freedom unless they are a clear and imminent threat. Obviously, if we err on that side, that means we are going to make some mistakes we must live with. Always a balance between liberty and security. Also, liberals (at least liberal politicians) take a ton of money from the entertainment industry, and are thus reluctant to call on them to reduce violence.

And the conservative politicians obviously pander to the NRA, and thus are generally resistant to additional gun control.

There's all kinds of things we "can" do. But we don't, because each side is too beholden to their patrons, and too rigid in their ideology..
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