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Old 02-17-2018, 04:46 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
There's a deeper breakdown that's creating anger in men that doesn't know how to vent and I agree it has nothing to do with politics. I read the other day that only 5% of mass shooters had a diagnoseable mental illness. While Cruz certainly had issues going after mental illness like Trump has been is just a way to excuse the violence as nothing we can address.

I don't think it has anything to do with the breakdown of the family either Jim. You love to cite stats around the breakdown of black families but mass shootings by non black killers are 5 times higher and most of that is likely gang crime.
The fatherlessness in black culture has very little to do with these rare mass shootings. It has a lot to do with everyday street crime, like the 500 homicides a year in Chicago. True or false?

And I hate citing those stats. But they are worth citing when talking about things that are driven by those stats.
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