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Old 02-18-2018, 12:12 PM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
You may think you are honest with yourself, but that doesn't mean what you say is factually correct. The same jack in the boxes that spew this crap to get elected are the ones cheating on their wives. The majority of the country sees through the bs of the 1950's culture you seem to think is utopia. By the way, birth rates among black and hispanic teens today are about 25% what they were in 1990 after 12 years of Republican leadership. The lowest rates by the way are all the NE states, NJ, NY, PA, VA, WI,MN, WA, UT, IA. See a trend?
"You may think you are honest with yourself"

Yes I do.

"The same jack in the boxes that spew this crap to get elected are the ones cheating on their wives"

I'm not responsible or accountable for anything a politician does. I never said Republican politicians are always role models of virtue. I am talking about what the parties stand for (not how their respective politicians behave). In terms of what each party stands for, there is big distinction in terms of healthy family values. Voting for a politician, is not an endorsement of everything that politician does. I would think Democrats learned lesson very well, when Bill Clinton was POTUS.

I believe infidelity is wrong. I also voted for Bill Clinton, and I also voted for Donald Trump. That doesn't mean I think infidelity is good, and it doesn't mean I lose the moral authority to say "infidelity is bad".

"The majority of the country sees through the bs of the 1950's culture you seem to think is utopia"

Tell me what mass shooting statistics were back then, or homicide rates in Chicago, or divorce rates, or drug use rates, or abortion rates, or rates of infidelity, or rates of fatherlessness, or rates of sexually transmitted disease, or how many latch key kids there were, or how many kids not cared for by a parent? Hmmm?

There were awful parts of the 1950s, particularly Democrat racism. But in terms of family values? I'd take that, over what I see around me today, every day and twice on Sunday. You are free to disagree and even to call it "B.S" But I see you provided zero evidence that it's BS.

"birth rates among black and hispanic teens today are about 25% what they were in 1990 "

If that's true, it's because liberalism is convincing blacks to abort themselves almost out of existence. Maybe democrats are trying to finish what they started in the 1950s?

"See a trend"

I do. The trend I see is that the GOP has the white house, both chambers of congress, and a huge majority of governorships and state legislatures. So I'm not sure the majority of the country thinks I am full of BS.
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