Thread: Россия
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Old 02-21-2018, 01:02 PM   #79
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
you do know the stimulus plan has contributed the economy doing well

I kept my doctor

Little Sisters Of The Poor for trampling upon their constitutional rights. discrimination is a right new to me ?

But you miss the down with the down with ship point ... Taking about trumps appointments and their criminal indictments ,, lack of security clearances and ambassadors.. yet again you deflect are you suggesting Obama administration was as disfunction as Trumps current administration
"I kept my doctor "

Who gives a sh*t? He didn't only make that promise to you. Am I going too fast for you? Many people could not keep their doctor/plan.

"Little Sisters Of The Poor for trampling upon their constitutional rights. discrimination is a right new to me ?"

Who were they discriminating against? You just make stuff up? The Supreme Court ruled that they were correct, Obamacare was violating their constitutional rights. Obama tried to force them to pay for the tools for recreational sex. It's not constitutional, and you'd think someone who taught constitutional law might have picked that up somewhere.

I can't wait for you to tell me who, exactly, the Little Sisters Of The Poor are discriminating against?

"you suggesting Obama administration was as disfunction as Trumps current administration"

Nope, they were less dysfunctional. Incompetent and totalitarian, but less dysfunctional.

See? I can say something negative about my side, and positive about your side, when it's true. You might try it sometime.
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