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Old 02-22-2018, 11:07 PM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I think the best solution is to not sell someone a AR-15 so if a teacher with some training has a pistol he is not in a gunfight with someone who is shooting back with a weapon of war. Obviously metal detectors would help and every school that has probably been built in the last 10 years has metal doors that lock from the inside, bulletproof glass etc etc. The gym I play basketball in tonight had the signs on the inside of the doors where in an emergency they would just shift the sign from the right to the left side of the door which would be over the glass so the person on the outside cannot look in. there was just velcro strips there. Someone thought of a very cheap way to prevent a gunman from looking in.
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"I think the best solution is to not sell someone a AR-15"

It might be effective. It also might not be constitutional. It also doesn't help anyone who will get killed in Chicago.

You brought up the fact that armed guards are not guaranteed to work 100% of the time. You were responding to an argument that nobody has ever made, not in the history of the world. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.

"Someone thought of a very cheap way to prevent a gunman from looking in"

And despite the fact that such methods would have been useless in FL (he pulled the fire alarms first to get everyone into the hallway), those methods can do dome good. So can armed guards.

Basketball has always been my favorite sport. I'm not very good at it, never was, but it's such a great game. Great to play, great to watch. Have a great weekend Paul.
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