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Old 02-26-2018, 07:04 AM   #158
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
try to follow along....

Originally Posted by wdmso View Post

President Trump ended an Obama-era gun law(which never went into effect, their words not mine) that required background checks(the law did not change who is required to be the subject of background checks, their words not mine) to ("plausibly", their word not mine)block the sale of guns to people with mental illnesses.

this is Mostly False...but that's why the left likes Snopes


you understand the president does not write laws...right? I know the left was happy to have Obama act as legislator... so it was effectively a rule...not a law.......Trump signed a bill that repealed an Obama rule that never went into effect


The ACLU, and mental health advocacy organizations backed the repeal that was signed by Mr Trump. Civil libertarians and disability rights activists had serious reservations about the potential for privacy violations and a chilling effect the rule might have on those who need counseling services.

seems as though the Supreme Court, ACLU and disability activists are standing in the way of common sense gun laws

snopes is good because its based on the facts as they are not as we wish them to be

obamas exec order didn't change the law you are correct i should have stated Rule .... but in the end it was rescinded

It merely would have provided a new way to enforce existing restrictions on gun sales by allowing a transfer of information from one agency to another.

The rule was rescinded using a legal procedure called the the Congressional Review Act, which, prior to the Trump Administration, was obscure and little-used. It allows regulations passed in the final days of one administration to be rescinded with a simple majority vote in both chambers of Congress during the first 60 days of a new administration. The Senate sent their repeal of the Obama-era measure for Trump’s signature on 15 February 2017

Republicans choose resend over fix its what they do ACA repeal no fix
the list is endless
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