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Old 02-26-2018, 03:54 PM   #217
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
What new laws could be enacted to prevent a Sandy Hook from happening again. Prevent is the key word.

What we need to do is to look at each incident and figure out where it went wrong.

People screaming about banning AR-15's distracts from what actually needed to be fixed to possibly (nothing is 100%) deter the next one, and that was the flow of information that was reported and the inaction by agencies that had some this information. This is what we should focus on fixing right now.

If half of this was addressed that halfwit wouldn't have been able to legally get his hands on a gun.
"What new laws could be enacted to prevent a Sandy Hook from happening again. Prevent is the key word."

How about this. A law saying that if you live in a house with a person who has mental issues (like Adam Lanza's mother did), then if you want a gun, maybe you have to keep it in a gun range. Or maybe you can only have a gun with fingerprint id so no one else can shoot it.

You are correct, we can't legislate everything. The question is, are we doing enough? I'm not saying we aren't. But I'm saying it's past time for that conversation.

I'm also interested in laws that don't prevent, but possibly reduce the carnage. Like banning high capacity magazines.

"What we need to do is to look at each incident and figure out where it went wrong"

Correct, none are identical.

"If half of this was addressed that halfwit wouldn't have been able to legally get his hands on a gun"

In this case, I completely agree.

Maybe we pass laws saying that if you want an AR-15 because they are fun to shoot, fine, but you have to keep it at the gun range, you can't take it home with you.
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