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Old 03-03-2018, 08:27 AM   #24
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the only person left in the White House pretty Soon will be Trump

Who's left ? and in their right mind would take a job there .. to replace His A team

Funny to See Hillary mentioned

Some one said I hope Hillary watchs Fox new Because thats the only place She is President

everyone was worried about her Email server (classified stuff)

But Trumps peoples cant get Security Clearances but have had access for over a year ...

Kushner started working at the White House, he has walked on the edge of what's ethically appropriate. The clearest example of this is his work with top-secret information despite not having been cleared to access it.

Kushner's business got $500M in loans after White House meetings

and its everyones Fault but Trumps the media and the Dems Bias is a fantasy conjured up by Right wing media ..

These issues are real issues not manufactured by the media or the left like some Alex Jones story

So please stop talking about his 2nd Term lets see if he can get thru next week month then year.. its called Crawl ,Walk then Run this administration is still in the crawl phase
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