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Old 03-06-2018, 03:06 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
What's even funnier is his assertion that you're not entitled to nukes or tanks because you can't "bear" them because they're too heavy

Not my assertion. it's the 2A's assertion--the right to keep and "bear" arms. As in the Macmillan definition:

"to carry or hold something, for example a weapon--bear arms (=carry weapons): Do you support the citizen’s right to bear arms?"

And I didn't say that you're not "entitled" to nukes or tanks. I said the 2A guarantees the right to bear arms. You might be "entitled" to a tank, but that doesn't mean you have a 2A guaranteed right to one.

And I specifically said about nukes: "And Nukes are pretty much banned worldwide as weapons of war except as a deterrence.:

Back in the day a state militiaman was supposed to have a rifle, bayonet and rucksack...not much else.
That was about all he could "bear." And his rifle was the "assault" weapon of the day. AR15's are not even as "assault" worthy as the automatic weapons that todays soldiers have.
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