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Old 03-08-2018, 08:56 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
There are some people that should not have access to a firearm and they needs to be some mechanism in place to remove firearms when someone is extremely dangerous with a potential to user them HOWEVER there also needs to hard and predefined limits to how this can be used and for rights to be restored. Due process must be adhered to.

He talks out of both sides of his mouth like many children

Huh? Most cops shooting people are doing so as a result of a dangerous / illegal activity in process. Most times it is justified, unfortunate, but justified. Very few cases are determined that the LEO was at fault thought it does happen too much.

Huh? Your explanations for most things aligns with this newer several decade trend of lack of logic which is why I am no longer a Dem.

You would think that important items such as rights and liberty would be more universal and held in better regard across all political spectrum - and that the difference would be how to address the faults in the system to make it better so that it applies fair opportunity to all. But no - the left is trying to bring down the system. Maybe everyone on the left does not realize it but the useful idiots will follow along.

I believe your right to speak shall not be infringed.
I believe your right to protect yourself and your family shall not be infringed.
I believe your right to prevent improper search and seizure shall not be infringed.
I believe your right to speedy and fair trial speak shall not be infringed.
I believe your right to speak shall not be infringed.

Where are the problems with these items??

I know
And i believe your right to sport your tin foil hat..." the left is trying to bring down the system.". a just another talking point of the rights .. talk about a big wide brush

you cant just have the change you want nor can I

Most cops shooting people are doing so as a result of a dangerous / illegal activity in process. Most times it is justified, unfortunate, but justified.

Due process ^^^^^^unfortunate, but justified.

take guns from a potential threat "Due process must be adhered to.

but red flag bill to you is outrageous you just made my point
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