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Old 03-09-2018, 09:50 AM   #11
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post

Bill Clinton was accused of rape. Not merely of being serially unfaithful, but of rape (also he made payoffs to at least one of his victims that we know about).

If Bill Clinton ran against the nicest, the most ethical Republican who ever lived, we all know who you would vote for. Which means your outrage is quite selective. Which means it's fake.

Trump is a morally bankrupt reptile. So was his opponent. But it only bothers you, I guess, when conservatives act this way.

If the democrats and their PR wing in the media hadn't unfairly portrayed McCain as a racist, and then unfairly portrayed Romney as a heartless plutocrat who objectified women (for keeping resumes in a binder for Christ's sake), if Obama hadn't called us bitter clingers, if Hilary hadn't called us deplorables, there would be no President Trump.

I'm not saying give anyone a pass. I'm saying be fair. The media can't come close to doing that. So my side nominated someone who could operate in that sleazy sphere, and do so quite effectively. Someone who could absorb the cheap shots without batting an eye, and throw elbows right back. He doesn't merely survive in the ring of mud-slinging, he loves it. That's his briar patch.

You asked for this, you got it. You plant potatoes, guess what? You get potatoes.
I’m confused is what you’re saying that anytime the media reports they should find somebody who did something equally as immoral, illegal or stupid as Trump has done for a comparison since what seems to happen is anytime Trump does something somebody says but Hillary or Obama or but Bill did this
The media reacts the way they do because for years Trump got attention by ranting and campaigning as a birther, about Presidents playing golf, taking vacations, not having gun control, infidelity etc. Funny how they are all things he has or is doing but he bought off his base with smoke and mirrors so they are upset that the media dares to say the Emperor has no clothes.
You probably think he has a nice head of hair.
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Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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