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Old 03-09-2018, 12:46 PM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Actually that was a whisper campaign started by Karl Rove.

[QUTOE]When Palin was running for VP, the media ran stories that her Down Syndrome baby, was actually not her child, but her grandchild. The media used a Down Syndrome baby as a club to use against someone with whom they disagree.
A story that was broken by the mainstream media giant the Anchorage Daily News![/QUOTE]

Karl Rove was smearing Sarah Palin, just after McCain selected her? For what purpose?

And if that's true, was the rest of the media obligated to run with it?

Do you remember Joe The Plumber?

Obama invited him to ask a question...
He asked a question...
Obama answered the question...
America was repulsed by the answer...

So instead of telling us why Obama's answer was the best answer for the country, the left mercilessly attacked the guy who they blamed for making Obama look bad.

That's what I am talking about. Always demonize the other guy, instead of discussing the merits of what each side believes. It wasn't Obama's fault, it was Joe's fault, for accepting Obama's invitation to ask a question. How dare he?

It's a vile tactic, yet sadly effective. The people finally had enough. And you still don't get it.
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